Freshman Nina Dym and her sister, junior Zoe, walk on a beach in Oahu, where the Dyms vacationed for a week last summer.

Freshman Nina Dym joins her sister at Country Day

Nina Dym previously attended Sutter Middle School. She’s familiar with SCDS because of her sister,  junior Zoe, who has been at Country Day since freshman year.

Q: Why did you come to Country Day?

A: My sister goes here, and it’s easier for my parents if we go to the same school. I also really liked it when I visited. The people seemed really nice, and it’s a close school. Sutter was so big, I didn’t know 50 percent of the people.

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: Two dogs, Nemo and Conan. Nemo from “Finding Nemo” and Conan from this manga about a detective kid that my sister really likes.

Q: What’re your favorite movies?

A: I like a lot of movies. “Confessions of a Shopaholic” and “Catching Fire” are the main ones.

Q: What type of music do you like?

A: All genres except for hardcore rock and blues, and I don’t really listen to classical music even though I play piano.

Q: How long have you been playing piano?

A: Since I was five. It keeps me busy.

Q: How would you describe yourself in two words?

A: Loud and shy.

Q: Huh? How does that work?

A: I’m not outgoing, but with my friends I’m loud.

Q: Any favorite T.V. shows?

A: Not really. I watch a lot of YouTube.

Q: What channels?

A: Tyler Oakley,Connor Franta and Hannah Hart. They do sit-down talks and comedic things. They’ll do challenges and collaborate with other YouTubers.

Q: What makes them special?

A: They’re funny, and even though I don’t know them, it feels like I do through the Internet.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: Photography and film.

Q: What do you like about them?

A: I like to capture the moment. I’m self taught.

Q: How did you get into film?

A: My dad is into filming, and he got me a camera for my 13th birthday. He’s a historian, and he likes to make films about the places he travels.

Q: What’d you do over the summer?

A: I went to Utah to visit my grandparents and to Hawaii for a judo national championship.

Q: Why did you start judo?

A: My sister started it. It looked fun, so I thought I might try it. I’ve been doing it for five or six years now.

Q: What do you like about it?

A: It’s a unique sport, and not a lot of people do it.

Q: What’s a common misconception of the sport?

A: It’s different than karate. Everyone always mistakes it for karate, and it’s actually in the Olympics.

Q: How is it different from karate?

A: Karate is more punching and kicking, but judo is more like wrestling where you throw people and tackle them.

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